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How to hire a social media marketer ⚡


How to hire a social media marketer ⚡

Social media managers and content creators are the unsung heroes of every successful brand: Entertaining audiences, making us laugh, helping us think, and nurturing a healthy relationship between our brand and our customer. 

You, Zuck, and Sister André: The Real Threat of Social Media Marketing

Last month, the world lost the oldest living person. A French woman, Sister André, died at 118 years old after living through two world wars and two pandemics. What does this have to do with you and me?
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How to Make Social Media Marketing More Meaningful and Impactful

The quantity-over-quality approach pedaled by our industry does nothing but make Zuck more money, add to the noise, and contribute to addiction culture. We’re not here to fall in line or follow the leader – we do things our own way. Not for the sake of being stubborn, but because we know there’s a different path forward...
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Build a Sustainable Content Strategy

If you’re here reading this, I’m betting you’re not really interested in spending all your time, money, and energy on social media for your brand.
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SMM vs Community Manager

This is where social media managers and community managers come in — to help increase engagement, navigate what’s working in real-time, drive connections with new followers, and so on.
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Social Media Marketing Strategies for People Who Hate Social Media

Hate social media? You’re in good company. Here are 6 social media marketing strategies that don’t suck.
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When Our Founder Almost Died, She Learned This About Your Brand’s Growth

My white knuckles clutched the seat as I forced myself to breathe. Yianni strangled the steering wheel with both hands as the two of us leaned all the way forward like it would increase our chances of getting up the mountain.
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