Your Holiday Marketing Resource Roundup

Katie Wight | September 24, 2022

What if one move could equal thousands of new buyers?

If you’re staring down Q4 wishing you’d worked harder on growing your email list this year – this article is for you.

A couple of years ago, a client of mine asked me in mid-October to draft up a play to help the brand add as many buyers to their email list as possible during the first two weeks of November (before they started closing with holiday promotions). For the record, this was a national beauty brand that went on to be acquired by a billion-dollar player in the cosmetic industry after our work with them – so when I tell you not to let anyone make you feel bad for enjoying your summer and just getting started on holiday planning, know that you are in great company.

          - The plan I delivered garnered them several thousand new email addresses of raving brand fans for a cost per lead under $1.
          - That’s a fraction of the industry benchmark cost for a lead and these were guaranteed buyers, not maybes.

We launched that same fast, simple campaign across all our other clients’ accounts and saw the same fantastic results!

The plan is basic and you don’t need to be a marketing expert to make it work – you just need about an hour to get it done. And as always, it’s a play that puts the joy of your community at the center – improving your relationship with them in advance of the season of sales.

The playbook for this quick-and-easy, cost-effective way to add more buyers to your list and capture as many new leads as possible before the biggest selling season of the year is just a fraction of what’s inside Holiday Hero: Your Q4 Sales Success Kit.

This toolkit maps exactly what to do between now and the end of the year to capture every last dollar with minimal effort. And with a price tag that’s so low, you’re guaranteed a GIGANTIC return on your investment, we’re just thinking about it like our holiday gift to you.

In your corner,