The Playbook: Your Path to Profitable Content & Social Media Marketing Katie Wight | August 29, 2023 “I hired someone to do my social media, but it was a total disaster.”Social is one of the first things brands want to outsource, but it never seems to go as planned. We spend all of this time and money finding, hiring, and training, only to be left disappointed. Is there something we can do differently as leaders to improve the likelihood of success? Imagine if you had a detailed playbook for what your digital marketing should achieve, how it will achieve it, specific examples of what successful content looks like for your brand, and measurable outcomes that anyone you hire is responsible for meeting. Can you maybe just read that again? 👆I really want you to imagine it. The biggest difference between Strong Brand Social’s approach to content strategy and our competition is THE PLAYBOOK. The Playbook is a “turnkey” roadmap for your content strategy. The Playbook spells out exactly how your pillars – designed to support demand generation, demand conversion, and retention – will come to life holistically across your entire digital footprint for the best possible customer experience (which will drive enhanced business results systematically). The Playbook ensures incredible results that last far beyond the tenure of any individual team member and that great results never depend on you. Step 1: Align your content strategy to your business goals: → Pillar one content supports demand generation. On social, this means shareable content designed to achieve extended reach. → Pillar two content supports demand conversion. On social, it’s designed to drive website traffic or add to carts right off of a social platform by promoting your product or offers. → Pillar three content is designed to support retention of your customers. On social, this content shows the behind-the-scenes of the brand to engage your community on a personal level. Step 2: Apply the same principles to other aspects of your digital marketing:→ Email: Most of your email content will be Pillar 2 since this is most often the best channel to drive revenue. “Newsletters” can feel a bit more Pillar 3. → Search marketing: Pillar 1 content is where you use general keywords, Pillar 2 is where you use brand or product-specific keywords and Pillar 3 is where you use long tail keywords to effectively facilitate their journey. Now that your content strategy is uniting both your social and your search, you’ll be able to use keyword research to inform some of your social concepts and social listening to inform some of your website content! The Playbook contains a “roadmap” for each pillar. The Playbook provides examples of how the content will look on social, email, search, and your websiteThis approach requires a bit more thought upfront and like any great investment, you’ll see it start working better over time. Eventually, you’ll achieve your goal of barely needing to think about social or other aspects of digital marketing outside of witnessing your incredible results. For example, one of our clients – an Australian-based, totally badass owner of a skincare brand – created her content strategy and playbook with our help. She was generating about $35k / mo. She knew she could do better. → Beauty is a crowded space, so the first thing we did was look at her content strategy. → We optimized her pillars and then created The Playbook to define how she could effectively deploy these pillars across her full digital footprint. → Within two months, she grew her recurring monthly revenue to $50k/mo→ Within five months, she had her first $90k month (without having to post on social every day and with less than 3,000 Instagram followers). She is 100% responsible for this success. She puts in the work, invests her time and money wisely, and trusts the advice of the folks she’s chosen to advise her. Those decisions are available to you, too. APPLY TO WORK WITH US