With decreased tracking and reporting abilities and increased costs, it might feel like ads aren’t worth it anymore. And in many cases, that may be true.
For example, putting ad spend behind an unvetted offer? That’s not going to work.
Ads pushing a cold audience to a high-ticket offer? Also not going to work.
What is working though? Focusing on value, and understanding the different needs of a cold, warm, and hot audience.
Once someone clicks an ad, retargetingads are great for moving them further along your sales funnel.
It’s a marketing tale as old as time: A cold lead downloads a guide, then they are retargeted into promotions for a low-cost offer, then they’re retargeted into a high-ticket offer.
But this tale as old as time has changed for a modern social landscape. For this to work, you have to have your funnels organized and optimized — and you have to think about how you’re engaging your audience beyond ads alone.
With iOS 14, it may be hard to attribute a sale to an ad. However, if you capture a cold lead’s email, you can absolutely attribute a sale to the sequence emails they receive. An email conversion tells us that your first point of contact, your ad, is working. And so is the rest of your funnel.
But the important thing to note here is that an ads-only strategy is no longer going to work. With tracking and reporting changes, brands need to approach ad leads with a relationship-nurturing mindset.